JoyPixels Labs

version 8.0


convert shortnames to native unicode

If you've chosen to unify your inputted text so that it contains only shortnames then this is the function (or its matching Javascript function) you will want to use to convert the shortnames back to native system emoji.

Feel free to enter other shortnames in the input below to test the conversion process.

Note: Once you start dealing with native unicode characters server side, it's important to ensure that your web stack is set up to handle UTF-8 character encoding. That is outside of the scope of our demos, but a quick Google Search will guide you in the right direction.



PHP Snippet:

          // include the PHP library (if not autoloaded)

          $client = new Client(new Ruleset());

          // ###############################################
          // Optional:
          // if you want to host the images somewhere else
          // you can easily change the default paths
          $client->imagePathPNG = './../assets/png/'; // defaults to jsdelivr's free CDN
          // ###############################################

          if(isset($_POST['inputText'])) {
          echo $client->shortnameToUnicode($_POST['inputText']);